
as I said in part one, the first two societies I spoke of are the Caucasian and Mexican societies. the last one I will speak of is the black or afrikan society. unlike the Mexican who had his homeland in mexico to go back to for refuge, the afrikan has been under tutelage of the Caucasian for 500 years. the most BRUTAL treatment that has EVER IN THE ANNALS OF TIME been poured on a human being has happened to afrikan people at the BLOODY HANDS of the Caucasian. he does not know his name, his language, his religion, his moral ways, his dietary habits, his dress code. he has been made totally into a mental zombie, so much so that we are as a people literally out of our minds and into HIS MIND. so we take our enemies as friends and our friends as enemies. now in a war of three societies and one is in such a TERRIBLE CONDITION we will be slaughtered and used as pawns. to prove my point, two republicans just recently ran for office and one of them was a straight up kkk lover but the race was very tight. so the other republican who never even reached out to black people the whole race decided to tell black people to vote for him because his opponent was a kkk lover…and he won. now neither one of them gave a FUCK about black people because we are just pawns in this war, like useless dust they just move us where we they need us to go. now we know as a WHOLE white people don’t give a fuck about black people. don’t fool yourself to think Mexican people give a fuck about black people. I am from California and Mexican people are preying on black people in cali. literally running them out of neighborhoods to make it ALL MEXICAN. they had a poll a few years ago and asked Mexicans how they feel about living near black people, the masses of them said we are lazy, uncivil, dirty, and bring down the value of homes. in the condition we have BEEN MADE INTO I am sure some of that is true, but the fucking Mexican has not been thru what we have and so u are looking at a CONTEMPORARY CORPSE. something that was alive but now is dead. so u are judging us in our present condition VOID OF THE HISTORY THAT NEEDS TO BE ATTACHED TO US. I know the old story ‘we need to stop using our past as a crutch and excuse”. but there is no such thing as PAST! YOUR PAST IS NOW THE PRESENT! your past is what makes the contemporary man. for good or bad who u are now is because of your past. so who we are as a people is because of our past. and granted we need to make it brighter but there are 50 million of us here in amerikkka, that will take time. success cannot be measured by a few successful negroes, WE ARE SUCCESSFUL WHEN THE MASSES OF US ARE SUCCESSFUL. THIS IS NATIONALISM. how can we come out victoriously in this 3 prong WAR. PART 3 NEXT. HOTEP



there is a growing problem in the united states of America called IMMIGRATION. this constantly growing Mexican population that is rolling into the shores of America is vexing the white society. imagine if u are a society that have been ruling a smaller society for 500 YEARS. and the smaller societies were so much under your control that they actually wanted to be like u. now this society I am speaking of is the white society. though white people are the TRUE MINORITY on the planet they are the majority in amerikkka. because they have been the majority they have ruled deliciously at the expense of the smaller societies. now imagine u have been ruling all this time and a BROWN SOCIETY is slowly catching up numerically with your white society and u know your white race has come to a stand still in numbers, how will u handle this influx of brown people? now billy, johnny, amy, cindy that u work with,  when u hear them talk about immigration u hear the poison in their speech. what do u think the wickedly wise who run things, what do think they are thinking? let me give u a glimpse into their wicked minds. if we don’t do something the HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES will be run by Mexicans. the CONGRESS will be run by Mexicans. the JUDICIAL SYSTEMS AND LAWS will be made by Mexicans. our mighty military will be under the authority of Mexicans. the PRESIDENT will be a goddamn Mexican. this cannot happen in amerikkka, we BUILT, MADE, AND RUN this country and it must be RUN by only white people. both of these societies practice nationalism. they buy from one another, they share with one another, they live in peace with one another, they protect one another, they build businesses that cater to one another. this is why they are strong. the white man fears this Mexican society because they practice nationalism and they come to amerikkka with their CULTURE in tact and not only are the adults coming over now the babies are coming to America even at the age of 7-12 yrs of age. now these two societies will either CLASH or one will HAVE to acquiesce. but both will not assimilate well, so one will have to be killed off or one will have to be relegated to the new minority. now what of this 3rd society… the African society? now these three societies will have to choose sides because SELF PRESEVATION is the FIRST LAW OF NATURE. there is an ayat or verse in the quran that says “I have divided u into DIFFERENT TRIBES THAT U MAY KNOW YOUR OWN, U MUST DRINK FROM YOUR OWN WELL”.  own well means own CULTURE AND OWN KNOWLEDGE. but we as black people love to drink from other peoples well. we as black people are the only people on earth that don’t practice NATIONALISM. what fucking people spend 95% of their money with other people but us. this is fucking ridiculous. based on this alone u are NOT only ready for a WAR u are NOT even ready for a BATTLE. next I will talk about this upcoming war and if we don’t get ourselves together and SOON, we will be spoken of as the ancient dinosaurs.  PART TWO SOON.    HOTEP



this may sound redundant in this that I am saying but I just want afriakn people to look at religion and spirituality different and in doing this I may have to repeat things for it to sink in your psyche.  so with that said, let me say again and again and again that when u look outside of self for your salvation u are engaging in religion but when u look inside and find your salvation THERE u are engaging in spirituality! know this, understand this, practice this. there is a THEORY called the MOTHERSHIP. supposedly a large SPACE SHIP that’s half a mile by half a mile that also has 1500 baby planes or space ships that are located in side the mother plane. this plane according to Elijah Muhammad was designed primarily to destroy amerikkka. also supposedly Elijah and Fard Muhammad is NOW on this mother plane just waiting to come back and GET amerikkka. now I am not going to go into the madness of this thinking but these muslims are WAITING on the space ship to come for there salvation from wicked amerikkka. if u read part two I spoke of TEHUTI’S STAFF which has been changed to what we call the medical caduceus. at the top of this staff is a ball which I have already on many occasions said represents the PINEAL GLAND. this is your MOTHER PLANE. it sits in the MIDDLE OF THE BRAIN and is round like the mother plane and is called the MASTER GLAND because it controls so many functions of the body. this is your SPACE SHIP that is going to save u, stop looking in the damn sky for whence comes your help. in the bible we were told of a TOWER OF BABEL, some tower that the people built to ATTEMPT TO REACH GOD. now god gets upset about this attempt and decides to destroy it. again this is ignorant teaching that people were building some tower so they can go up to see god. but also in the story god confuses the language of the people so they couldn’t communicate to build this temple. now why the fuck is god so paranoid that he would have to go to such trouble has to confuse the people so they cant communicate just because they wanted to SEE HIM. the tower of babel represents RELIGION. because of the many different RELIGIONS the people CANNOT COMMUNICATE, like the tower of babel they will never reach god. there is metaphysics all thru the bible and quran but your mind has to be different to see the jewels in there. the story of JACOBS LADDER is the same also. a ladder that goes from the EARTH TO HEAVEN. at the top of the ladder is JESUS. if u have been following part one thru three u can see Jacobs ladder as the SPINAL CANAL OR RISING KUNDALINI ENERGY. from the root chakra which represents the earth to the PINEAL GLAND which is JESUS OR CHRIST CONSCIOUSNESS. let us change the way we think so we may see the beauty of self and within self from whence comes our help and salvation.  HOTEP!



in part one we ended with jesus and the two thieves being the spinal canal and the sympathetic and parasympathetic systems of the body. let me say to those who may read this and are religious there was NEVER a jesus and the two thieves anywhere in history. they were myths, I am trying to ask u to look beyond the myth and see a deeper meaning in the myth that is more profound than 3 dead crackers on a cross. when u look at the medical caduceus which again is an afrikan symbol. u see a ball and wings at the top, its all metaphysical and its all the human body. again the staff represents the spinal canal but it also represents the rising of consciousness or kundalini energy which are the two snakes on each side of the staff. the ball at the top is the PINEAL GLAND, and when one’s consciousness rises to such a level they take on WINGS. their speech is elevated, their mindset is elevated, their actions are elevated, even what they eat is on a higher vibration. I remember hearing a brother tell me that Malcolm would fast for weeks and would study diligently while on the fast, and Elijah Muhammad would tell him to be careful in doing this because he would be so clean “in so many words” that he would not be able to identify with our people, who are in the gutters of life in amerikkka. in the nation of islam they have a teaching about 12 scientist. 12 major and 12 minor, and these scientist were scientist of ISLAM that lived in antiquity that wrote history for approx. 25 thousand yrs. each year for the circumference of the earth in miles. they write the history and the human beings walk in to it throughout the years. well the shit sounds deep but as in ALL religion they cant back the shit with actual facts or history. asked them where their  address is and they will say SAUDI ARABIA. asked them what was their names, their ages, how many were men, show me the building where they did all the planning. they don’t know because the shit is made up. back to tehuti’s staff which is the spinal canal. at the base of the SKULL, where the spinal canal ends there are 12 CRANIAL NERVES HMMMM, coincidence? I don’t think so.  dr. llaila Africa said the Caucasian has 2-4. these are your scientist, they are NOT 12 men sitting at a damn table writing history, U ARE THE 12. from u comes all history, from u comes all science. its all ONE SYSTEM, a rising of consciousness, a spinal canal, two fight or flight systems, 12 cranial nerves, a pineal gland all in one body. next topic if RA allows me to be here is THE REAL MOTHER PLANE AND THE TOWER OF BABEL.   HOTEP