
ALL praise to the Feminine energy and Goddess…Mami Wata, and to ALL the African Ancestors, those that are known and those unknown. Praise to the African Elders, those that will read this, and those who will not. And praise to all the African Queens and Kings…yet to be born!


When you look at African people and Caucasian people, you will see that both are dominated by either the Right side or Left side. They are either Left side dominant, or Right side dominant. Now, what does this mean, and how did it happen? Now, Caucasian people are left side dominant, and African people are right side dominant. Let us explain what is the difference and how it happen. Left side dominant people LACK spirituality, when you are left side dominant, spirituality is a deficit because there is no need for right side thinking, ONLY for linear thought. What do I mean? Left side thought or Linear thinking is mathematics, engineering, logistics, brick masonry… these types are Left side and Linear thinking. The Caucasian is dominated by this type of mindset. Now, when you look at these specifics, these are absolutely needed for Nation building and the progression of a people. But you lack spirituality when you are left side dominant.

Now, African people are right side dominant, and what does this mean? Music, arts, dance, religion, philosophy all come from right side thought. So, you would expect a people that is dominated from right side thought to come up with The Blues, Country, Rock and Roll, Reggae, Hip Hop and have their lives dominated with religion. A people who is right side dominant will worship a God that does NOT look like them, but this people will still worship it, because they are looking for substance, and not judgmental. But if you are a Linear and Left side thinker, you will be unable to worship a God that does not have your physical qualities, due to you calculating “What will it benefit me to do so”. Now, how did both people get to be dominated by a singular hemisphere of the brain?

First the Caucasian, when you come out of the Ice Age, you will undoubtedly be left side dominant! You are a people coming out of this condition and environment afraid of everything! Afraid of nature, animals and other humans. You are constantly looking for food and shelter, so you have no time for higher thought. You have to calculate how to get your next meal, how to keep warm and how to defend yourself! So, you are talking about a people that has right side thought purged out of them via NATURE! So…war, violence, weaponry become their skillset, and they start to hone this skillset over thousands of years…being and coming out of this condition. Now, I want to contrast this fact about the purging of the right side thought via NATURE, because how African people got their left side purged from their mindset is NOT via nature, but by diabolical means!

Now, how do you purge left side thinking and Linear thought out of African people? Very simply, through slavery! When you do not allow a people to read or write, not for a day or a decade, not for a year…but for 310 years…you will purge out of a people the LEFT SIDE AND LINEAR THOUGHT PROCESS! They then will become totally a right side dominant people. They will not naturally use their analytical mind, and will depend on music, dance and religion for their daily routine and lifestyle! You make it a goddamn Capital Offense for an African to read a fucking book! What kind of fucking people would do this do another? So, the ubiquitous answer to this wicked ass behavior is “Well, it happened so long ago, you can’t continue to say you are oppressed”. So, lets analyze this…slavery over in 1865, what happened for the NEXT GODDAMN 100 YEARS TO 1965? Jim Crow, sharecropping, KKK, Segregation, separate and UNEQUAL. So, for the next 100 years, KKK murdering black people who wanted to vote or increase their quality of life. Black codes, where if you found black men without a goddamn job, they were arrested for loitering and put in prison for SLAVE labor! Sharecropping where you made black people work for 16-18 fucking hours…for ONE DOLLAR A DAY, and then exploited them via usury where they were always in debt, and could never get off the plantation. All this shit for the next 100 years AFTER slavery. Then the exploitation, mass incarceration, gun and drug infiltration began AFTER 1965!

Jim Crow law | History, Facts, & Examples | Britannica

The foot of oppression has incessantly been on the neck of African people for 450 years since we put our feet here in North Amerikkka and came in contact with the Caucasian….no hate, just facts! Now, African people did use both right and left hemispheres of the brain before our contact with the Caucasian. In Africa before the coming of the Greek, Roman, Arab and Caucasian, our utilization of both brain hemispheres was the norm for African people. Let us look at Medu-Neter, or what the Caucasian calls…Hieroglyphics. Now, hieroglyphics is where the Greek, Roman and Caucasian got their alphabet from. Hieroglyphics is the pictorial form of writing, but when its done in a cursive form…its called Demotic or Hieratic. From the Demotic and Hieratic the Arab, Greek, Roman and Caucasian came up with their form of writing… its ORIGIN is African! But to write a language in Hieroglyphics, you must be both right and left balanced! The reason being is Hieroglyphics, since it is a form of writing, it comes from Linear thought. But unlike English, which is a bastard language…its origin is NOT of itself, it is the bastard child of many other older writings. But hieroglyphics ALSO has a spiritual component as well, which makes it also right dominant.


Back to the spiritual side of Hieroglyphics, it is read right to left, but it ALSO can be read left to right and top to bottom, and bottom to top. Now, just think of the HIGH spiritual and Linear thought process to have a writing language with those attributes. Also in Hieroglyphics, it is not a mundane language, it always speaks of the spiritual, cultural, metaphysics and Linear side of the African people in order to transmit to the contemporary and future African people what is important and needs to be translated to the Kemetic or African nation. Also, to show you that African people were balanced in their thinking, look at the Pyramids of Giza, they sit in the Center of Earths land mass. This right there tells you the extreme high mathematical thinking of the African to build something of that size…3 of them, and put them at the center of earths land mass. Then be in direct harmony with the 3 stars of “Orion’s belt”! That type of mathematical precision is just on another fucking level!


But the aesthetics of the Pyramids is what is missing. What you presently see of the pyramids is what the ignorant Arab did. They took the lime stone coating off the pyramid to make mosques and other bullshit! When the lime stone covered the pyramids and the sun hit them, they shined like a light! The sun reflected off the lime stone like a beaming light, now when you look at the pyramids, you see the skeletal form of what it use to look like.

Now, in closing I am NOT saying that just because you are right side dominant or left side dominant, you can’t access the other half of the thinking hemisphere. What I am saying is that you are dominant that side, and you will be imbalanced in your thinking and actions. Now, when you look at African people, we dance, sing, play sports and stay in religion… we were manufactured to be this way! Our children shun from mathematics and Linear thought, and Caucasian teachers and others use talking points to say that black children are lacking behind white children in mathematics and writing…YES WE DO! But you have a 400 year old head start on our children goddamn it! So, we as African people must understand our mental liability due to slavery, and start to reform this liability in our children. If African people are the direct descendants of those that built pyramids, then mathematics is in our goddamn DNA!



May WE as Individuals, and as an African people overcome our 3 greatest impediments…FEAR, IGNORANCE AND POVERTY!

And may WE as Individuals and as an African people embrace our 3 greatest strengths…Our AFRICAN CULTURE, NATIONALISM and an unwavering commitment to SELF-PRESERVATION!


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