
Now I want you to just think about that title for a second, that there is a chosen people.  First of all what the hell are they chosen to do?  African people been on this planet for over a million years, but God waited a few thousand years ago to choose a people to be his favorite… does that make any goddamn sense?  Lets go into this deeply family.

God made this infinite universe with untold amount of planets, but on this small planet we call earth, he chose a small group of people out of Europe of all places to be his favorite and chosen people… now isn’t that convenient?  Why do I say out of Europe?  There are two books that relate to this topic, one is called “The Transfer Agreement” by Edwin Black which talks about the history of Europeans making a deal with Nazi’s to transfer white Jews out of Europe into Palestine.  It talks about the manufactured story of white Jews fictionalizing a plot to convince the world why they should be in Palestine and that is their original homeland in antiquity.  The second book is called “The 13th Tribe” by Arthur Koestler about a small group of Europeans that converted to Judaism in the 8th century and have no ties at all to Palestine, Jerusalem or any so called holy city.  So a few white folks out of Europe just made up some shit about them being God’s chosen,  and what makes this so egregious is that they put the shit in God’s mouth that he made this mandate for the whole world to obey…just fucking wicked!

The earth is literally like a grain of sand in this infinite universe and on this grain of sand he chose a small white group who call themselves Jews to be his chosen, now just read that shit again.  If you know that you are the real minority on the planet, it becomes imperative for genetic survival that you invent such theology and that you penalize anyone with jail or loss of income if they dare challenge such theology, even though such theology can not be backed in any way with historical evidence.  Now just grasp this madness for second,  you have this White God who has to hold up all the planets in the universe and maintain all the planets in the universe, make sure the Sun doesn’t get to close to any of surrounding planets, but he has time to mandate to a spec of dirt [ in relationship to the rest of the universe] that I chose a few white folks to be special to me, if that shit makes any goddamn sense to you then you need to stop reading  any further.

Now the European Christian wasn’t going to be out done, so they manufactured and joined with their own white lie and said the same White God sent his white son and if you believe in this white God and Son that I have fashioned for you… you too will be his chosen though you have Black skin!  What is so amazing to me is that even to this very day and in this information age, this lie is still believed by the masses of African people and African people will fervently defend this lie and untold masses have gone to their graves with this thought and image as their  last thought and image after they gave their last breath. When you stop and think on that and the ignorant energy given to defend the indefensible,  it is  truly astonishing to me.

Lets end with a metaphysical understanding of the theme The Chosen People.  The Christian talk about the 144,000 chosen which are called the “Sons of Light”.  This biblical story is just as asinine as the Jewish one that God chose a 144,000 out of billions to be his chosen one’s, the shit that religion attempts to sell and people keep buying blows my goddamn mind.  A different meaning for me is that knowledge makes you a light,  so knowledge makes you a Son of light!  144,000 is not a real number, but in this vast number of human beings on the planet, what will separate them from the masses is there will be a few who will have their own light,  a light that will allow them to lead SELF!  This will be the true “Chosen of God”,  but God does not choose you… you ARE the God!  but it is YOU that chooses the SELF,  and that happens ONLY when one acquires a proper knowledge of Self!

On a personal note,  African people are called the PEOPLE OF THE SUN,  now don’t get your jaws tight if you are reading this and happen to be European and think I am doing some “reverse racism” [ whatever the fuck that means] but what I am saying is that due to our heavy carbon bodies,  the Sun resonates with us more than any other human because we have the most carbon or melanin in our bodies,  thus we are called THE SUN PEOPLE or the SONS AND DAUGHTERS OF RA!   ASE’ ASE’  ASE’


Power to the Goddamn People!

The Science of Love


I used the title “Science of Love” because the average person is nostalgic about shit like that. They LOVE to see movies about love, songs about love, poems about love, but all that shit is cultural.  African people never used such terms, in antiquity we used MAAT.  Because Maat we can measure, Maat we can see thru action, not just what you say with your lips.  In fact many people say “I love you” and don’t even mean it.  Reciprocity, Balance, and Truth that is measured in history is more substantive than Love. 

I am going to go off the subject for a second and merge things together, the philosophy of Reincarnation is a myth.  The thought of a person dying then coming back just to learn a fucking lesson is madness.  We reincarnate by studying our Ancestors and trying to emulate and learn from the lessons that they taught.  But since we are on this so called subject of love, how one reincarnates and comes back a different person from being in a relationship is… did you learn the lessons from the LAST RELATIONSHIP?  That is reincarnation.  If you have not, then if you are a woman and you are attracted to “Thug Men” but they keep hurting you and cheating on you, you will keep coming back to foolish ass relationships reincarnated until you change and become a new creature.  Same thing for men, if we keep falling for a pretty face with no substance, and we find our feelings being drug thru the goddamn dirt, expect multi reincarnations.

Teddy Pendergrass has some lyrics about how good it is to be in love with someone where instead of it being 30/70 or 40/60 its good to be in a relationship where its 50/50.  Let me say this to you, I know you on that nostalgic shit but there is no such thing as a 50/50 relationship.  The only thing constant in this universe is chaos, so nothing is equal in the universe.  In fact that 50/50 is a European concept, again the African concept is Maat, so instead of looking for a 50/50 relationship, you should look for someone that compliments you.  Just as you see in the Ying-Yang symbol, which is actually an African symbol, but finding someone who compliments is more realistic than finding a 50/50 relationship.

Because we as African men are in a European dominated culture, our ego dominates us even as it relates to “Love”.  She has to do as we say.  We lead with very little input from the female, we can raise our voice but she dare not do it to us.  This is religious doctrine straight from the Bible that the woman should keep her damn mouth shut!  Even in the Quran, if the woman” doesn’t  do as she is told”, the man can put his hands on her “lightly”, now what the fuck does that mean?  The woman will naturally allow a man to lead, as long as he is practicing the principle of MAAT with her in the relationship.  She sees thru his actions he is being balanced, equitable and truthful so where he leads she will follow.  She is a natural giver and nourisher.

Even during sex there is the principle of Maat.  We all have heard of Ejaculation where there is the expulsion or exiting of seminal fluid from the body.  Where if there is to be balance, then there has to be the inclusion of energy.  That is called Injaculation, where ejaculation is the physical matter,  so Injaculation is the spiritual matter.  Everything has a physical and spiritual component to it, this is the African way.  So let me share this with all you who are in love.  During sex when you feel that moment when the inevitable is about to happen, as you feel that life essence leaving your body…at the SAME TIME you must mentally sense life energy going up the Spinal Canal reaching the Pineal Gland.  You must see it and feel it going up and reaching the Pineal Gland!  This is called Injaculation!

This is why it is so important to get back to your culture because you have been walking around with one hand over one eye thinking you are seeing the world with FULL VISION!  You are an African with a European mind so Maat and its principles are unknown to you. Everything has a Male and Female principle, everything has a physical and spiritual component…EVERYTHING!  During Injaculation you will feel a rush go to your head, almost like an explosion or fireworks. Women this is not just for men, even if the man cant get you to that moment,  you can mentally take yourself there where you can see that energy reaching your Pineal Gland. When you are alone and if you are comfortable with pleasuring yourself, you can take yourself to that moment of ecstasy and as you ejaculate,  you can at the same time practice injaculation.

Love is a European concept, it has no reality in African spirituality.  Get to know yourself and your OWN self expression.  Stop falling for some bullshit reverse psychology called “reverse racism”  just because you refute European concepts and beliefs and want African centered spiritual systems.  You are African and it only be natural that you gravitate to what is African.  May what I shared with you from the Ancestors resonate with you whether you be African or European.  ASE’ ASE’ ASE’

Book from your brother will be out by Summer. Religion, the REAL Matrix!


Power to the goddamn People!