
The Divine Union is all about the union of the divine feminine and the divine masculine.  This is not to lambast homosexuality, but the union of two feminine natures or two masculine natures is NOT harmonious with nature due to the inability to produce life.  What two consenting adults do in the privacy of their own bedroom or lifestyle is their business, but it is indisputable whether or not it can produce life.

The subconscious mind is constructed to drink in motifs, particularly of a religious nature so lets start with a few.  Now these motifs can mean anything to the subconscious, but I am going to put them in a divine union of the feminine and masculine.  First up is the Star of David, let me make this perfectly clear that there is no historical data of a man named David who was a prototype prophet of Jesus.  The Star of David was NOT designed , produced, or affiliated by a man named David or with no damn religion called Judaism.  It is one of the Laws of Dejhuti, an African God and that law is called the Law of Correspondence, As above- So below.  It doesn’t have a damn thing to do with the Jewish religion, it was co-opted by the European Jew.  If you look at the design, it is one Triangle or pyramid pointing up and one Triangle or pyramid pointing down.

But if you take another look, it is the union of the male and female in divine sexual union.  The pyramid pointing down is the Male Phallus, and the pyramid pointing up is the Female Vagina and they are in consort…in union.  From this divine union comes Life!  In the Law of Correspondence As above-So below, the woman represents AS ABOVE and the man represents AS BELOW.  In the African mythology, the Goddess Nut [Noot] represents the cosmic night sky [Above] with her Black melanated body covered with stars.  The God Geb represents the Earth AS BELOW, he is laying down with an erect penis ready to accept his Goddess, but the God SHU who represents the Air, is the only thing that is keeping them apart.  So just as the Ankh represents the sign of Life, which is the divine union of the Male and Female sexual organs, so it is with the symbol of the interlinking pyramids, the male and female in divine sexual union.

Lets go to the story of Jonah and the Whale, this also is a metaphysical story of the divine union of the Male and Female.  Jonah represents the Male Phallus that is swallowed up by the Female Vagina.  To the average religious convert, this parallel may seem outlandish do to their lack of understanding of metaphysics, or anything to do with the divine sexual union in the mind of the uninitiated, is either pornographic or sinful.  So Jonah goes inside fish, and the fish in mythology has always represented the vagina.  When you look at the fish symbol on the back of cars, it is always facing sideways to look like a fish, but it was originally vertical to represent the vagina.  The 3 days inside the fish represents the impregnation of the feminine energy, before it births the Male child onto the shores of the Earth.  The ancient motifs of the divine energy has always been there, but when you look at these images in a religious construct you miss the hidden meanings that only the subconscious can illuminate.  In part two we will continue these religious motifs of the divine union but look at them in a more spiritual manner.  ASE’

Book coming out by summer called RELIGION THE REAL MATRIX!


Power to the goddamn People!



This title came along as I was thinking of the condition of this world.  The world and this planet is in a terrible condition.  I say the World and the Planet because they are not the same.  The World is in a bad state because of  the mental condition of the people in the world.  There are more people in insane asylums than ever before.  The youth are killing themselves because someone was “mean” to them on social media.  Women are physically changing their bodies to “unnatural looks” to get more clicks on Instagram.  That is a sad state the world is in. When I say the planet I mean the physical condition of the planet.  More waste poured on her, more digging into her, more cutting of trees from this planet than ever before by UNNATURAL PEOPLE!  So the world and the planet are in a terrible condition, but what does this have to do with God being lonely?

So when God made the Planet, and when I say God made this planet, please understand that I am totally being facetious!  In no way do I believe in some Space Ghost with invisible hands that made a physical planet!  But I am pondering the question of why this God let things get fucked up when things were so perfect!  The conclusion I am came up with is God must be lonely!  Now when this beneficent God made all the trees, deer, butterflies, clean air, whales, flowers, rivers, etc , etc, etc he had to gaze over his perfect creation with adoration in what he has completed and patted himself on the back with his invisible hand.  Now he has done all this work and of course he has to rest on the 7th day.  Now as he is resting,  I am sure he cant but notice how damn quiet it is on the planet.  The only thing that breaks the silence is the chirping of the birds, but that is mundane to the invisible ears of the Lord, he needs and desires MORE! 

So the deer cant say his name, the wasp cant praise his name, and the buffalo cant build 50,000 seated arenas to fill up with believers.  In fact all the animals and all the plants don’t even notice that there is such a thing as God and they pay God NO ATTENTION and go about their lives as animals unbeknownst to this invisible creator.  So this all powerful, all omniscient, ever present God, gets caught up in his feelings because no one is paying him any fucking attention so he says “You know what, I will make a human being that can talk and think, but I will send people to speak on my behalf to tell them to praise me or I will kill them”!  So this all powerful God due to his fucking ego, insecurities, and loneliness did exactly that, made a weak portrait of himself that was capable of genuflecting to this ego maniac God.

So now you have the human on the planet, with different hues and colors, and different Religions!  So naturally there is conflict, and from conflict comes death.  But this omniscient God had to see all this happening, but what he also saw coming was the praise!  He got what he wanted, the praise and the acknowledgement at the expense of mass murder in his name!  Jews are killing Muslim and Muslims are killing Christians and God looks at all this and says “Look,  they are all fighting over ME”!  He allows it and even promotes the shit in his holy and righteous books that are dedicated to him.  But as I said, in the beginning there was this pristine planet where everything was clean, fresh and quiet, why would God replace that planet for the shit hole world we have now unless he was Lonely!


Power to the Goddamn People!