
MATT 13:24-30…Jesus told them another parable: “The kingdom of heaven is like a man who sowed good seed in his field. But while everyone slept, his enemy came and sowed weeds among the wheat, and went away. When the wheat sprouted and formed heads, the weeds also appeared. The owner’s servants came to him and said, “Sir, didn’t you sow good seed in your field? Where then did the weeds come from?” “An enemy did this,” he replied. The servants asked him, “Do you want us to go and pull them up?” No, he answered, “because while you are pulling up weeds, you may uproot the wheat with them. Let them grow together until the harvest. At that time I will tell the harvesters: First collect the weeds and tie them in bundles to be burned; then gather the wheat and bring it into my barn.”

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Now this verse is an extremely deep and esoteric verse of the bible. Of course based on your understanding, it can and will be deciphered in a myriad of ways. EVERY biblical and Quranic verse is subjective, and should be. There is no way they can be pure and objective. So lets go through the verses and break them down. Now as I said, biblical verses can have a myriad of meanings, so they are at the mercy of the reader. But when I was in the Nation of Islam, the Honorable Elijah Muhammad taught us that this particular verse meant that two different people will live in the same geographical area, but will be mixed together. He said the two people are not the same by nature, they are two distinct different people. He said the fact that the bible describes one as the Tare and one as the Wheat, tells you their different natures. A Tare is a certain type of weed, which has no intrinsic value. But the Wheat is the worlds most commonly consumed cereal grain. So Elijah said the Tare is to be burned, but the Wheat is of good use.

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Now the narrative in the bible says instead of separating them prematurely, and possibly injuring the wheat, it says let them grow together until the harvest time, then they should be separated. Now the Honorable Elijah Muhammad started his teachings in 1934, so obviously he was speaking from the epoch of his time, and his relationship with the European in 1934 would influence his teachings. So the European would be styled as the TARE and Black people as the WHEAT! The geographical area where they grew together would of course be America, until the time of harvest or separation. Now I actually don’t have a problem with this exegesis of scripture, because in 1934 the European definitely was a Tare type people as they related to African people, and African people like the wheat was the most commonly consumed and exploited people on the earth. So it was easy for Elijah to make that scripture fit the time, but to be honest…. what has changed in the relationship between the European and African since 1934? NOTHING, except we now can go to the same damn toilet as the European, and many negros will accept that as some kind of damn progress.

So all praise to the Ancestor the Honorable Elijah Muhammad for having the fortitude to even make such biblical claim in 1934, when he could have been hung outright and hung with impunity. But we are going to elevate that exegesis to a mental level. Before we get into a different meaning of scripture, let us describe what the word Harvest means….When wheat reaches its final stage in the growing process, meaning its dry enough, then its ready to be harvested. Ok so lets try and bring all this shit together. You as Black people are doing things today that you have never done….even under slavery our behavior was never this reckless and barbaric.. Black men abuse our women and children. We don’t take care of our women and children, and under slavery we did a better job doing it than we do now. Now of course I cant indict ALL black men, but as a whole our family structure has no foundation that is healthy. So what has happened to us as a people where our behavior has gotten worse towards each other? White supremacy is a Tare mentality, and because after 500 years you have grown together and proximal with a people who exuded this type of mentality, it has eroded your OWN Culture and now you are a people with a acculturation mentality!

So now you conduct yourself other than Self. So now since both people have mentalities that DO NOT benefit the human family. White people have an inflated sense of themselves, which if not checked will metastasize into white supremacy. And black people have an inferior complex about themselves that was purposely inculcated into their psyche.

So one mentality is Tare and the other Wheat, but they are growing up next to one another, so we definitely need a HARVEST TIME! Both of these mentalities are no good and need to be burned to the ground! Now the REAL harvest or separation, is the separation between the ignorant and those with knowledge of Self! Ignorance leads to white supremacy, and ignorance leads to an inferior complex about the Self. One of the basic teachings of the Honorable Elijah Muhammad was that 85% of the people are deaf, dumb and blind. He didn’t say 85% black or white, he said 85% of the PEOPLE of the earth are ignorant of who they are and have no knowledge of Self. I may be bias when I say this due to my extreme hatred of religion, but to ME religion is the greatest purveyor of ignorance the world has ever produced. Because through religion you can sell white supremacy and black inferiority at the SAME TIME, and then top the shit off by saying GOD told me to tell you this!

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So there needs to be a SEPARATION of the Tare and the Wheat, the ignorant and those with a knowledge of Self! To be ignorant today is an absolute choice! You choose to be ignorant! With the amount of information literally at your fingertips….one chooses to be ignorant. Some of us will have our harvest or separation from the ignorant by our own choosing, and some of us will be separated through trauma. What I mean by trauma is, some of us will separate from our spouses and from our own family members because their ignorance will be to toxic to be in their company for a long period of time. Many will refuse to come out of their ignorance, so for our own sanity, we will have to separate from them.

This is what the Rapture really means, you are not flying into fucking space to meet Jesus. That is just shit thinking! Your mental ascension will cause you to rise and leave those that roll around in the muck of ignorance. Two will be grinding at the mill, I will take one and leave one. Two will be in the bed, I will take one and leave one. THE ONE that is doing the taking and Harvesting is Christ Consciousness! The ignorant are those who will be left here on a earthly plane of mental existence, they will be the ones looking UP waiting on the return of Jesus.

The ones that will be taken on high, will be those that ascend into Christ Consciousness by seeking a proper knowledge of SELF, and want nothing to do with a manufactured messiah figure that you have to WAIT ON! ASE’


Power to the goddamn People!

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BELIEF IS THE KEY [part two]


This is part two of BELIEF IS THE KEY, In part one I wanted to try and impress that “In my opinion” because we have no empirical evidence of the LIVING viability of the Universe that RESPONDS to the human psyche, but it is of my opinion that the human psyche and the Universe does communicate, and if the BELIEF is strong enough and in a consistent manner, it will have an indelible imprint that will respond and communicate BACK to the human psyche and bring into fruition its command. I want to give more examples in history via hero’s of mine who lacked and believed in the Self and their destiny.

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Now it hurts me to criticize Dr. Khallid because out of ALL the Ancestors, Dr. Khallid is the one person I try to emulate in strength and intelligence. But Khallid knew the Kemetic Spiritual system but still had allegiance to Allah and Islam. So he taught the value of Islam and Allah, but also taught Kemetic spirituality, you CANT do both! The fact that you are teaching both shows cracks in your belief! And I know there will be some who will try and defend the Ancestor by saying “Islam and its tenets all started in Africa by Africans”. That is a weak ass argument because so did Judaism and Christianity but you CANT teach about validity of Jesus and Moses and try and teach African spirituality at the SAME damn time! Get off the goddamn fence and pick a side so as not to confuse our people about the historicity of people that did not exist! STILL LOVE Khallid!

But while our brother Khallid was STILL in the Nation of Islam and under Minister Farrakhan he was unwavering in his conviction towards BOTH. But once he left the Nation of Islam he began to question the sagacity of Minister Farrakhan and the leadership in the Nation. His belief wavered which left him vulnerable and not protected. Now at the SAME time Farrakhan was hated not only by the European Jews, but also by the most powerful white men in America. But like his teacher Elijah Muhammad, his belief never waivered about who he was and who was protecting him. NO black man is beyond a white mans bullet, so something supernatural had to be protecting him. Now I am not giving ANY credence to the God Allah for his protection because that is subjective and moot, but what I am saying is his belief had to have left an indelible imprint on the Universe which solidified his protection. I will say again, it cant be the God factor because Martin Luther of the 16th century believed in a Christian God and yet he also was protected. Now the white people who may read this may not like the teachings of Elijah Muhammad or a Farrakhan, but my subject is not about the sagacity of their teachings, I am only talking about their belief in who they were and who was protecting them.

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Now to a person who was a Communist, so he had no particular religious affiliation yet he was protected….Fidel Castro! Now Fidel had such a strong belief in himself and the Revolution, that when America told Russia “If you don’t take them missile’s out of Cuba, we are going to drop an Atomic bomb on Cuba”! Fidel said to the Russian President “We will sacrifice ALL of Cuba just to be able to send ONE missile into America from Cuba”. But it was Russia NOT Cuba that decided to take the missiles out of Cuba….not Fidel! So Fidel’s belief was so damn strong that he was willing to die and everything in Cuba with him just to strike America! And in the over 500 assassination attempts by America on his life, he NEVER kissed Americas ass to have a better relationship with America… that is fucking belief in oneself because NO ONE that is on Americas assassination list gets away, so if there was no GOD factor in Fidel’s scenario yet he was still protected, what was it that was protecting Fidel Castro? It is of my belief that because he had such a strong sense of belief in himself and his Revolution that it left an indelible imprint on the Universe, and his human psyche communicated with a melanated Universe that is alive and through the LAW of Correspondence… responded in like!

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Now I say ALL that I have for a personal reason also. I have been following this African Spiritual system for some time now and have gotten REAL benefits from it. It has caused me to rely on SELF and not some mystery God. At the time of this writing I have chose NOT to get the vaccine for this virus that is ravaging the planet. Now this Spiritual shit is REAL to me, I am not writing a blog to impress anyone, I write to let the world know the power of the Ancestral world. Now if I profess that this is REAL and I cant be protected by it, then I need to take my ass back to the church. If you are a Christian and Jesus is REAL, you should NOT be doing the SAME things that I do to be protected. Let me say this shit again….IF Jesus is REAL, you should be able to go directly to him for protection, and since I don’t believe in him I should have to do other things [like getting a goddamn shot] for MY protection, but we shouldn’t be doing the SAME damn thing. Now I don’t mean to be callous, but that includes cancer, diabetes or any other sickness. There should be power in the name of Jesus, but if ME AND YOU have to go to the doctor and one of us is a Christian, something is wrong in the theology!

Now you can say “Well Jesus made doctors to help us out, and Jesus is working through the doctor”. You can make the shit fit all you want, but where is the power in your man that is distinct from the NON BELIEVER? So I am standing on the power of the Ancestors and walking the shit I believe in, if not I am only fucking around with this shit!



Power to the goddamn People!

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BELIEF IS THE KEY [part one]


The Arc of the Universe bends towards Justice….MLK. That was a beautiful statement from the Ancestor Martin Luther King, I mentioned that particular statement because I believe that the Mind leaves an indelible print on the Universe. I say “believe” because this blog is based in belief, what I am going to write today is NOT rooted in fact or empirical evidence, but my belief is that the quality of your mind and thinking has a qualitative effect on this Universe that we all are encapsulated in. The quality of your thinking permeates the Universe in a concrete way! Even if what you believe is false, it will have power and permeate the spiritual and physical Universe in a concrete way. Now because what you believe may be rooted in falsehood, then you should expect your results to be sparse at best.

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Now everything I just said, is any of it factual? Well the term fact can at times be subjective, so we will go with proof. Evidence or proof is this manufactured Jesus thesis, now I am not going to waste my damn time on the fabricated story, but my point is this fabricated story has permeated the spiritual and physical world despite this shit being as valid and historical as Spiderman. But what has given it power is the BELIEF in the story…..THERE lies its power! There have been people with traumatic injuries and were told they would never walk again, but because they believed they would despite all the evidence that said contrary……They walked! It has left doctors clueless to how such things could be possible. Now you can say it was God or some other religious deity, but if it was not for their belief in this deity, it would not have been possible. Now since we don’t know with evidence if it was God or if it was the SELF, I am going to leave God out of the equation and concentrate on the SELF, because the SELF is the ONLY thing that is constant in these stories, I loose no sleep if you want to give all the credit to God….we have to find our OWN way!

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Again, how and what you believe about YOURSELF leaves an indelible impression on the Universe. Now this belief cant be EGO, but it must be concrete and substantive in who you are. This unwavering belief is what turns the energy of possibilities to concrete reality! How does this work? Our thoughts in our mind are under the auspices of belief, when we activate that belief, the atoms start to congregate together and that belief starts to manifest those atoms into solid matter! But everything must start with belief BEFORE it can manifest into matter! This same belief can manifest a force field of protection around you that makes you impregnable! I will give you a few historical examples to prove my point. The belief CANT be a mantra of who you are, because that is not real, its just repetition of words. You must believe that you know you are what you say you are for the magic to work, because essentially that is what you are doing, YOU are a magician performing magic!

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Now once you believe, then you must ACT like you are….this is you being the Magician or the God that is engaging in real magic. Now this belief can’t be a casual thing, everyday and every hour you must reaffirm in your mind and the ACT that you are who you say you are, or else you are just fucking around with this! Also as I said, the shit can’t be some mantra, it is something that you naturally do everyday and hour pointing to YOURSELF that you can bring into fruition what you think and the belief of yourself. It must be a balancing act that it does not bleed into Ego or else it will be SELF destructing.

Now these next few examples I give many will not agree with me or maybe even be angry that I would make such comments, but that’s ok, we all have our OWN belief and thought process. There is a man named Martin Luther who lived in the 16th century who opposed the Catholic Church, who I have said many times our brother M.L.K. was named after him. Now in the 16th century there was not another entity that was more powerful than the Catholic Church. The Catholic Church wanted Martin Luther dead for heresy against the church, but for some reason they couldn’t kill him, they couldn’t even find him to kill because the people hid him from the church. Now how is that possible that the most powerful entity was unable to kill Martin Luther? Well Martin Luther believed in his heart that the Catholic Church was corrupt and he ACTED on that belief to prove the corruption of the church which was unheard of at that time. This same belief is what left an indelible imprint on the Universe in the spiritual and physical world and this Universe reacted to that belief and surrounded him with protection!

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Now our dear brother M.L.K. at first believed he could change the spiritually and morally corrupt hearts and minds of the Southern White man in the sixties, but it became quite clear that he couldn’t and then even Black people started to turn on him that he was causing problems for negros in the South who were afraid of the white man. At the time of his death his approval rating was at 35%, now I want you to just think on that, with ALL THE SHIT this man had to endure on behalf of black people, only 35% approved of him, but TODAY you have the fucking nerve to have his picture on the church walls and walls in their homes. It became concrete for M.L.K. when he said….. “I believe I have integrated my people into a burning house”. His lack of belief in changing the minds of the Southern white man caused his Universal protection to wane. Why was Malcolm X assassinated and the Honorable Elijah Muhmmad not? When Malcolm was still in the Nation of Islam, his conviction towards the white man in America was unwavering and his criticism towards the negro leadership was constant, but when he left the Nation of Islam he started to waiver and capitulate. But Elijah Muhammad was constant and he never waivered on who he was and who the enemy was, and this belief left and indelible impression on the Universe and kept his protective force field intact! He ALWAYS believed he was the Messenger of Allah, now whether the god Allah was indeed protecting him is a moot point, but his BELIEF in him was always there. Your belief can at no time waiver….THE BELIEF IS THE KEY!

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Now Elijah Muhammad was particularly special because he called the white man “The Devil” in 1930. No black man in 1930, just a few decades after slavery calls the white man the Devil openly and lives! But his belief in who he was and who was protecting him was so goddamn strong that he once said “I don’t care if it was 10,000 at his door, he would never forsake Allah and Islam”. Now that is a hell of a belief, but this is my point, that strong of a belief has to have an indelible imprint on the Universe which has to respond in like. And that audacity in belief if never waivered will encase the individual with a protection that is beyond the Europeans weapons, media and legislature.

In part two I will give a few more examples of hero’s of mine that lost some of their conviction in their belief, and due to that non-conviction the Universe failed to protect them. One example of an individual was a non-religious person who had great conviction and belief in Self and a Universal force field was always around him, so again the only thing that has been constant is not the God factor, but the Belief!


Power to the goddamn People!

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