
I had to REVISIT this subject, there are a few more things I want to say on the subject of the SOUL. Now again when I speak of the Soul it is purely Subjective! No one knows a goddamn thing in substantial terms of what a soul is, or if we even have one. It could be just electrical impulses from the brain that we subjectively CALL the Soul. The individual has to determine what this thing Soul is for themselves. But for our subject today we will try and put this into a context that is Metaphysical.

The Body or the Physical is an AVATAR and the Soul is the Real! So the Avatar only encases the real you. As we live our lives on this planet and we engage different people, our purpose should be to meet the SOUL of that individual, but so many times we only meet their Avatar. So what is an Avatar? It is an embodiment or an Incarnation in human form. The root word incarnate means “In Flesh”. That which manifest IN-flesh. Living under the auspices of European thought and culture, it is so hard to be able to see the Soul of an individual. The reason is because we are bombarded with so much Physical Imagery, the physical becomes the norm. Rocky with his shirt off, Wonder Woman in tiny shorts, Women selling cars in seductive clothing. I can’t put in words how far the European has mislead and the purposeful miseducation of the masses to be seduced by this Avatar we call the physical body. You are bombarded on a second and minute by minute admiration of it.

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Now this shit we all do, men for the most part go to the gym to build muscle to impress women. Women and the make-up, fake breast and ass…we all do the shit to impress the other side. But the Soul, the Inner-Self how the fuck do we meet that in the other person? Bruce Lee talked about being truly honest with oneself, that this is hard to do he said. Before you can get to the Soul of a person it is first engulfed in Ego! So because I don’t know what your intent is with me when we first meet, I will present you with my Ego as an Avatar….. for my Self-Preservation, until I know your intent.

This is why when women/men finally do show the Real Self…the Soul, and it is taken advantage of, people will loose their fucking mind and can sometimes lead to death of the one that offended their Soul. Because it is rare that we let someone past the ego and see the real Self, so if the person is not spiritually balanced, they can literally loose their mind. So Marley said in words how evil it was for a man to take a woman’s heart with no intention to love her back. This is the reason in Ancient Kemet when the person died, they kept the Heart in a canopic jar but discarded the brain, they didn’t give a fuck how intelligent you were, they wanted to know what was the condition of your heart!

This is why it is so important to get back to African Spirituality, because Religion is a fucking Avatar! It is a facade an illusion. Everyone wants to see what suit and shoes you wore to Church. Who has the biggest fucking hat on Easter. Get your car washed and park it in the front so everyone can see it after service….this is the fucking Ego, the Avatar! It is not the real you, we have not met your Soul yet. The Church or any religion for that fact, is the biggest display of the Avatar mentality, you present yourself to me as holy and pious in church, but this is not you…..and you know it! It is your Avatar, and I actually have to get you out of the fucking building to try and get a glimpse of the real you….your SOUL!

Now this is NOT a racist statement, but its hard to see the Soul of the European, and the reason I say this is because he is always trying to promote this Superman ideology. That he is better than, more intelligent, more attractive and more pious than the darker people of the Earth, so his Soul is always covered up and it never gets revealed due to his Ego. So in the movie “Avatar” when she said “I SEE YOU”, she wasn’t speaking about his physical….she was speaking about his SOUL!

In African Spirituality we want to see the Soul of you, what is your character and what is your intent as it relates to me. Now the shit is hard living in this European culture, I can only speak for me as a man, to see a woman in jeans with a fat ass, my Avatar can’t help but look and admire, but at some point after the initial admiration we must delve deeper to inspect the Soul.

The book “THE PAGAN CHRIST” by Tom Harpur, he has a beautiful metaphysical story about “The Prodigal Son”. Now of course we have this bullshit biblical story about some son leaving his father to go to live in a Foreign Land, but he looses all his possessions and decides to come back home, where his father forgives his errant mistake and welcomes him back home. Now on a low physical level we can all relate to the power of forgiveness. Not that forgiving is on a low level, but the goddamn story on its surface is. But in the book “The Pagan Christ” he says the Prodigal Son represents the hidden drama of the Soul. When we enter into matter….taken upon us a Body and embarking a lifetime of experience, we truly are going off into a far country to be tested. One day true enlightenment dawns, the divinity within is recognized, the sleeping Christ is awakened and we return home to the waiting Father! This paragraph he mentioned is very powerful, the BODY or physical is analogous to the Prodigal Son, the shit we do throughout our lifetime is like going to a far country doing shit we shouldn’t do. But as we get knowledge of the SELF, we realize there is something inside that calls us back to our true nature….when we recognize that voice, which is the SOUL….we come back home! The problem is under Religion, that voice is confused to be some shit in SPACE instead of the INNER SELF!

Do you plan on elevating your OWN vibration and those you come in contact with? If you can do this, then I think it will be possible to see the SOUL of a person. ASE’


Power to the goddamn People!

Any donations can be sent to cash app $HERUSOR666 thank you!




Man has a SOUL is European. SOUL has a Man is African! This is why Elijah Muhammad said “When you see a Black Man you are looking at God”! It is the INNER man that he speaks of, and the European was looking at the OUTER man. There are the lyrics to a song that says “The SUIT don’t make the man”. The European has always been fascinated with the body and looks, magazines that celebrate “The sexiest man alive”. Models that walk the run-way with bathing suits on. He even had a football league where the women wore lingerie as the uniforms….this is his Mindset! The African in contrast wanted to know the content of the character.

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The African knew the REAL you was on the inside…..the SOUL! Now in truth NO ONE knows exactly what a Soul is, so I am using the term in context of the subject at hand, but YOU as an individual have to determine what SOUL means to you and not let someone define that for you. So before this concept was used by the European in Christianity, the African already had this concept thousands of years before. I don’t have time to go into that subject in detail, but just go read the mythology of Auset, Heru and Ausar and you will see a Soul and resurrection story that pre-dates your biblical plagiarism. So in antiquity the African had a different relationship with death. When the physical body died, the real you lived on, so the relationship with death was not fear as it is in the Western world. So this is why everyone wants to go to Heaven, but nobody want to die! The African knew the real you was eternal, this is why there is no real death for Marcus Garvey.

In African Spirituality the deity was Anthropomorphic, meaning it was non-human but had human qualities. In contrast in Greek and European culture, they Humanized God, meaning they literally made the non-human…Human. So let me explain, many African deities were HALF human and half animal or nature, but it was never to be taken literal. You as the individual were to delve into the qualities of the animal that was attached to that particular deity and inculcate those qualities into the SELF! So the deity Heru was an image of a half Man and half Hawk, it meant one with high spiritual vision and one who can soar above earthly endeavors. The deity Djehuti had a body of a Man and the head of the Ibis bird. The Ibis bird represented intelligence and wisdom, so when the African produced this image it meant you as an African should try and cultivate these qualities in your own human form. But if you notice the BODY was human but the HEAD was in the image of the deity. This is where the Greeks and the European got the idea of a Demi-God, someone that was HALF God and half Mortal. So out of African mythology they made the shit REAL! So in Greek culture Hercules was the demi-god, he was the son of Zeus but he was real to them. The European stole from the Greek and produced Jesus, another demi-god, he was the son of God so he was half human and half God. So since they didn’t understand African mythology and the spiritual system, they took something that was in-human and made it into a literal human.

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See the source image

Djehuti became the Greek God Mercury and then when the European got it they changed Djehuti to the Angel Gabriel. So African mythology became Humanized into European reality. So the African was trying to teach these dumb ass Greeks by saying “No nigga those are only Human attributes, they were never to be taken literally”. But as I have said many times, if you are a people who are Left side Dominant in your thinking, you cannot think in spiritual form, everything must be literal. So the Greek and the European were incapable of grasping the mythology and metaphysics of the African spiritual system.

When the bible talks about the Last Supper and Jesus asking his disciples to eat the bread that represents his body and now your dumb ass in church eating crackers. It was all metaphysical, it didn’t have shit to do with a fucking body named Jesus. In fact you don’t even need Jesus to understand the shit. Bread is sustenance, but the real bread was the Word or knowledge. So when you consume knowledge you are becoming one with God, but not God in fucking space but the God of Self! The water into wine meant by drinking wine you will become intoxicated….In-toxins meaning that it will change your conduct, actions and language. This is the consumption of knowledge that is put in Occult language that is talking about when you are becoming one with the Self through the application of knowledge, it will be like the changing of the Self when one is intoxicated from wine.

It was always Metaphysical, but because you are following a European way of thought, your negro mind is sitting in a church thinking you are eating the body of a white man named Jesus! This is just shit thinking, come home family and feed your African Soul! ASE’


Power to the goddamn People!

Any donations can be sent to cash app $HERUSOR666 thank you.



Before I get into the Metaphysics of Satan part two, let me explain that Satan and Devil are not synonymous. Let me say this again…Satan and Devil are not the same! Satan is Illumination, its the elevation of the Mind! Now again you must get away from Religion of any kind to understand what I am saying. Now when I say Satan I am not talking about some shit you saw on television or some crazy ass white people worshipping Satan as God. I am talking pure Metaphysics! In the bible he is described as the Bright and Morning Star! Now that is some powerful Metaphysical shit if you but understood. This is Mind, this is Illumination, this is Consciousness but it is put in Occult language, and the word Occult doesn’t mean evil or wicked. It means Hidden or Secret which is what Amen means…that which is Hidden. So Amen-RA means the Hidden Sun and what is the Hidden Sun? It is the Bright and Morning Star and what is that? That Bright and Morning Star which is like a Hidden Sun is the Pineal Gland! It is your NORTH STAR!

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You are so disrespectful of yourselves that you would look for some shit in the fucking sky or space to rescue you from your daily vicissitudes of life. We all have shit we have to deal with, and granted some are more egregious than others, but YOU have to decide who the fuck is in your circle. And if you surround yourself with shit niggas, you will always be in shit! Someone needed to hear that, but lets get back to the shit… that Devil I will deal with in a moment but back to Satan. I AM describing the Pineal Gland as the Bright and Morning Star because every morning the Pineal Gland secretes serotonin and it is THIS that awakens you in the morning. And at Night when RA is on his night journey on his barque or Boat, it is SET that is at the front of the boat leading the way. So at SUN-SET that same Pineal Gland secretes Melatonin to put your body at rest. This was all known by our African Ancestors in antiquity and they built a story of mythology and metaphysics around it, and we as their descendants are to delve into the story and try and figure the shit out.

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But to delve into ancient wisdom requires Right Side thinking to access the Spirit World, but you are trying to figure out Spirituality by Linear Thought or Left side thinking, meaning you want the shit to be giving or explained to you literally, but the Right side is abstract so it wont come in a literal form. This is the reason why in the fictional book bible the disciples of Jesus would always complain to him why the fuck are you always speaking to us in parables negro? I know fictional Jesus wish he could say “Because that is where the power of the word is at nigga!”

Now lets get to this goddamn Devil. Now dealing with Polarity, so if Satan is Metaphysical or Spiritual than Devil has to be Linear and physical. So I need white people who will read this to walk with me and not be so goddamn emotional and deal with what I am saying. When Malcolm X said when he first heard Elijah Muhammad say “The White man is the Devil”… he said something clicked! Now when Elijah Muhammad taught this to Malcolm it was based from his teachings from the 1930 to 1960’s when Malcolm first heard them. So let me ask the White people who may be reading this…. How were African people here in America treated by White people during the 1930’s to 1960’s? Was is Saintly or was it Demonic? So was Elijah correct when he called White people Devils? What else would you call such a people who treated African people so barbaric….Mean people? But if we get out of emotionalism and get back to Metaphysics, Devil is an Adversary! Someone who works against your will to be liberated in an insidious way is Devil! So based on that terminology, Devil can be any color or people, but in reality and in history for the masses of African people home and in the diaspora, the Devil has been European…. that is just a goddamn fact!


Back to Satan, So in the bible God cast Satan down into Hell fire! He cast Satan down to Earth, first of all why the fuck God send that nigga down here with US? We didn’t ask for his ass to be with us! God could have put his ass on the fucking moon or Mars where Satan would have been alone and couldn’t fuck with anyone, but no, God sent his crazy ass down here on Earth with us, now he becomes OUR problem. Now does that story make any fucking sense? If the battle was in Heaven, and I explained that the real heaven is the Mind, then Satan getting cast down to Hell fire must be metaphysical. Christ Consciousness is full Mind Illumination and the polarizing other end is the Root Chakra. It is down or at the bottom of the Kundalini energy pole, and it is the color RED! So these are opposite poles of Kundalini Energy, one is the Root Chakra which is down in the pelvic area and its color is Red, this is where Satan was cast down. And the other is the Crown Chakra which is the Crown of the head, where God resides…. its all YOU! One is not bad or good… its all ENERGY!

This is the Law of Correspondence, As above so Below….ALL IS ONE! So if you have Christ Consciousness, and again as I have said many times the word Christ and Jesus are not synonymous….Christ means one who is anointed with Knowledge, and Jesus is a goddamn cartoon character! So Christ Consciousness rules on High in Heaven and Satan rules Below… its ALL the same fucking energy, it just matters where you are on the Chakra spectrum.

So in the bible Jesus sees Satan approaching him and Jesus says to him “Whence comes thou Satan?” And Satan says ” Seeking all that I may devour!” Damn that is a fucking heavy reply! Seeking ALL TO DEVOUR! Jesus sees Satan approaching him, what does this mean? The Kundalini Energy is RISING from Hell! It is coming from the Root Chakra and it is approaching the Crown Chakra where Christ resides….I hope you are getting this shit!

This means rising Consciousness and when one has Christ Consciousness he BECOMES Satan and he seeks to devour ALL ignorance! So like Lucifer, she/he brings Light or Fire of Wisdom to those who once walked in gross darkness! ASE’


Power to the goddamn People!

any donations can be sent to cash app $HERUSOR666 thank you



Before I get into the Metaphysics of Satan part two, let me explain that Satan and Devil are not synonymous. Let me say this again…Satan and Devil are not the same! Satan is Illumination, its the elevation of the Mind! Now again you must get away from Religion of any kind to understand what I am saying. Now when I say Satan I am not talking about some shit you saw on television or some crazy ass white people worshipping Satan as God. I am talking pure Metaphysics! In the bible he is described as the Bright and Morning Star! Now that is some powerful Metaphysical shit if you but understood. This is Mind, this is Illumination, this is Consciousness but it is put in Occult language, and the word Occult doesn’t mean evil or wicked. It means Hidden or Secret which is what Amen means…that which is Hidden. So Amen-RA means the Hidden Sun and what is the Hidden Sun? It is the Bright and Morning Star and what is that? That Bright and Morning Star which is like a Hidden Sun is the Pineal Gland! It is your NORTH STAR!

See the source image

You are so disrespectful of yourselves that you would look for some shit in the fucking sky or space to rescue you from your daily vicissitudes of life. We all have shit we have to deal with, and granted some are more egregious than others, but YOU have to decide who the fuck is in your circle. And if you surround yourself with shit niggas, you will always be in shit! Someone needed to hear that, but lets get back to the shit… that Devil I will deal with in a moment but back to Satan. I AM describing the Pineal Gland as the Bright and Morning Star because every morning the Pineal Gland secretes serotonin and it is THIS that awakens you in the morning. And at Night when RA is on his night journey on his barque or Boat, it is SET that is at the front of the boat leading the way. So at SUN-SET that same Pineal Gland secretes Melatonin to put your body at rest. This was all known by our African Ancestors in antiquity and they built a story of mythology and metaphysics around it, and we as their descendants are to delve into the story and try and figure the shit out.

See the source image

But to delve into ancient wisdom requires Right Side thinking to access the Spirit World, but you are trying to figure out Spirituality by Linear Thought or Left side thinking, meaning you want the shit to be giving or explained to you literally, but the Right side is abstract so it wont come in a literal form. This is the reason why in the fictional book bible the disciples of Jesus would always complain to him why the fuck are you always speaking to us in parables negro? I know fictional Jesus wish he could say “Because that is where the power of the word is at nigga!”

Now lets get to this goddamn Devil. Now dealing with Polarity, so if Satan is Metaphysical or Spiritual than Devil has to be Linear and physical. So I need white people who will read this to walk with me and not be so goddamn emotional and deal with what I am saying. When Malcolm X said when he first heard Elijah Muhammad say “The White man is the Devil”… he said something clicked! Now when Elijah Muhammad taught this to Malcolm it was based from his teachings from the 1930 to 1960’s when Malcolm first heard them. So let me ask the White people who may be reading this…. How were African people here in America treated by White people during the 1930’s to 1960’s? Was is Saintly or was it Demonic? So was Elijah correct when he called White people Devils? What else would you call such a people who treated African people so barbaric….Mean people? But if we get out of emotionalism and get back to Metaphysics, Devil is an Adversary! Someone who works against your will to be liberated in an insidious way is Devil! So based on that terminology, Devil can be any color or people, but in reality and in history for the masses of African people home and in the diaspora, the Devil has been European…. that is just a goddamn fact!


Back to Satan, So in the bible God cast Satan down into Hell fire! He cast Satan down to Earth, first of all why the fuck God send that nigga down here with US? We didn’t ask for his ass to be with us! God could have put his ass on the fucking moon or Mars where Satan would have been alone and couldn’t fuck with anyone, but no, God sent his crazy ass down here on Earth with us, now he becomes OUR problem. Now does that story make any fucking sense? If the battle was in Heaven, and I explained that the real heaven is the Mind, then Satan getting cast down to Hell fire must be metaphysical. Christ Consciousness is full Mind Illumination and the polarizing other end is the Root Chakra. It is down or at the bottom of the Kundalini energy pole, and it is the color RED! So these are opposite poles of Kundalini Energy, one is the Root Chakra which is down in the pelvic area and its color is Red, this is where Satan was cast down. And the other is the Crown Chakra which is the Crown of the head, where God resides…. its all YOU! One is not bad or good… its all ENERGY!

This is the Law of Correspondence, As above so Below….ALL IS ONE! So if you have Christ Consciousness, and again as I have said many times the word Christ and Jesus are not synonymous….Christ means one who is anointed with Knowledge, and Jesus is a goddamn cartoon character! So Christ Consciousness rules on High in Heaven and Satan rules Below… its ALL the same fucking energy, it just matters where you are on the Chakra spectrum.

So in the bible Jesus sees Satan approaching him and Jesus says to him “Whence comes thou Satan?” And Satan says ” Seeking all that I may devour!” Damn that is a fucking heavy reply! Seeking ALL TO DEVOUR! Jesus sees Satan approaching him, what does this mean? The Kundalini Energy is RISING from Hell! It is coming from the Root Chakra and it is approaching the Crown Chakra where Christ resides….I hope you are getting this shit!

This means rising Consciousness and when one has Christ Consciousness he BECOMES Satan and he seeks to devour ALL ignorance! So like Lucifer, she/he brings Light or Fire of Wisdom to those who once walked in gross darkness! ASE’


Power to the goddamn People!

any donations can be sent to cash app $HERUSOR666 thank you